While technology is advancing and more people and businesses are switching to the cloud, NAS is still a popular choice among many business owners. 
With cybercrime constantly increasing and evolving, it’s essential to take the appropriate measures to ensure your business and personal life remains safeguarded.
​​​​​​​Being the world’s largest professional platform and one of the most influential social media networks, you would think LinkedIn members may be safe from cybercrime, but sadly that’s not the case. 
Remote working has become the norm for many but with lockdown 2.0 underway, here are some tips on how to best cope with the 2nd wave.
As we enter our second lockdown and with Christmas fast approaching, it’s a timely reminder of how we can keep ourselves safe online.
It probably comes as no surprise that in the past three months, ransomware attacks have increased by 80% in the UK according to a new report out.
At some point or another, you’ll upgrade your computer system, but what do you do to ensure it’s wiped of all your personal data and files?
​​​​​​​Not only do we need to be mindful of the effects of the Coronavirus, but we also need to be vigilant to virus attacks on our computers. 
​​​​​​​To upgrade or not to upgrade, that can sometimes be the question when it comes to your IT hardware. There’s no right or wrong answer, however there are some factors to consider
Mobile devices have come a long way since the first Nokia.  Technology has evolved and so has our behaviour towards how we use them
Microsoft’s latest software patch update has seen a huge number of flaws – 129 in total, 23 of which were critical.
If a computer update is available, then make sure you take action, do not wait for the issue to escalate