Keep your audience interested!

With the world wide web being such a prominent force in today’s society, the competition for customers is enormous.

So, how do you go about capturing your audience’s attention and getting them interested in what you have to say, whether it’s a website or an article you’ve written?

Time is precious and we know that people will tend to scan text rather than read what’s been written word for word, so make it easy for your audience.  Give them the option to read it all or to scan without losing sight of what’s been said.  Break up text with subtitles, highlight specific words, add images or quotes for example which give a good idea of the overall content without the reader having to read it all if that’s their preference. 

Keep your content fresh and updated to keep the reader interested and on your page, not your competitors.

Use subheadings to interact with your audience.  The aim is to get your reader to read the following section but be enticed with what’s to come.  In this instance, less isn’t necessarily more!  For example, instead of writing Our Solution (which could be common place for many businesses), you could write A system that allows you to XYZ – differentiate yourself.  

Creating an emotional connection with your reader is essential.  Tell a story, don’t just spout off lots of facts and figures.  People remember the story not necessarily the detail.  If you create some curiosity, your reader is much more likely to want to read on rather than jumping to the next Google listing!  

Shorter paragraphs are easier to digest.  Don’t put an obstacle in the way of the reader but writing long sentences and paragraphs.  Think about the font you’re using too!  It’s amazing the difference Sans versus Serif can have on the overall look. 

There are plenty of other tips out there but we want to ensure you’re engaged, so we’ll leave it there for this article!