Don't let cheap ruin your brand

A cheap logo can do untold damage to your brand.  It’s your flagship, it represents your business, its values and tells a story, so don’t settle for less. 

Your logo is there to build confidence and trust in your customer base and to entice new customers to come onboard.  A logo should create a positive perception and be a good match for your products or services. 

Even the oldest logos are regularly updated to keep up with the times.  What was once a complicated image, will look clean and simple today – but not cheap.  Take Shell for example.  See how that’s developed over the years from a complex mussel shell to a red and yellow icon which people still relate to, and know it as Shell – it’s easily identifiable.  Same for the likes of Pepsi and Apple. 

Remember your logo needs to meet the demands of the various platforms on which it will be displayed – whether that’s your website, social media, letterhead, email signatures, so it must be versatile, as well as fitting for mobile devices.  There’s nothing worse than looking at something on a mobile device which isn’t responsive.  It’s the little things that count!   

Use a colour palette that matches your business.  There are many suggestions on line as to what colours mean so do your research.  Although colour is important, it’s also useful to consider other elements such as balance, adjustment, contrast, proximity, repetition and space.   If you’re keen to update your logo to further enhance your brand and style, get in touch today! #graphicdesign