Are you prepared for an IT disaster?

Are you prepared? Would you know what to do in the event of an emergency…we’re talking IT emergency!

It may not necessarily be something you think about or associate with IT, but just as disasters occur naturally, the same can happen with IT, so it’s a good job to be prepared or at least have some sort of plan in place.

Firstly, look at your business processes.  What fundamentally needs to happen to allow the business to function?  Then you can start to plan how to avoid risks which are most likely to impact those processes.

What’s your back up source?  Regularly review, test, and improve this area.  Times change and what might have been appropriate a year ago, might not be fit for purpose today.  Don’t just rely on old systems or a single source.  Think about your future needs as well.

Cyber security is such a big area affecting many businesses daily, you just need to look at the news headlines so ensure your anti-virus system is effective.  Maintaining your software and keeping it up to date across the various devices it’s being used on will help protect against malware.  

While we are trying to protect the planet, and reduce our paper usage, we do recommend that you keep a paper trial of any software passwords, details of any licenses and any activation keys.  Keep these off site at a secure premise, not in the bottom unlocked draw of the filing cabinet!

Finally, educating your staff also plays its part. Keep them up to date with the latest policies you have in place and how they can contribute to good cyber practices.